Thursday, July 2, 2009

Creation of a Webquest

Webquest on pbworks reminds me of when Windows Millenium Edition came out and everyone was excited with the new features, but it rarely worked. Instead the computer froze and we were all frequently blue screened. In a way, this is similar to webquest. If it is a good day then webquest might work. If it is a bad day then Webquest will not feel like working because it is not feeling very good. Webquest reminds me of an emotionally unstable fourteen year old girl. And at times it made me feel emotionally unstable, but most of that was pure rage created from the website not functioning properly.

Webquest on pbworks can be a great tool, and it has many great features, but many these features rarely work. There are many other websites I feel I could do a webquest on, and if I ever did another one I would not use pbworks. The webquest can be a great tool for students, but I do not feel like it will help very much in the English class. As some classmates prooved, a webquest would work perfectly for a history class.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Creation of a Video Project

The video project was probably one of the most enjoyable assignments I have done in college. It was a blast working and tweaking the video until it was just how I liked it. It also gave me a chance to edit my Italy video, which I had been wanting to do for a while.

As for when I am a teacher I could see it being a useful tool only in one way: when I want to get students interested in something they find boring. I could put quick clips of things they find boring with new music that they like and put it together in a video to attempt to spark their interest.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Distance Education

A huge advantage with distance education is that the student does not ever have to physically go anywhere. This gives them less excuses for not being present. Because students do not have to be physically present it could allow some students to enjoy school more. Also, some students are very busy and distance learning gives them a chance to learn on their time, when they are ready.

A con of distance education from the students point of veiw is that many students would have trouble becoming engaged in a teacher who is not there and does not know them. Without the teacher in the room with the students, some students may feel that the teacher has no interest in them. The students may feel zero motavation which could be very difficult for some students, and could force students to lose interest in school.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Creation of Kiosk

My experience with my kiosk was that I had an easy time with it. Although power point can be frustrating, it still was easy for me to do because I have so much past experience with power point. The frustrating part is when sometimes it seems that power point just wont do what you want it to do.

I could see how this could be very useful in the classroom, but also when students are away from the classroom it could be even more useful. It works great as a review for the students and gives them a chance to have formative practice. I could see it being a great study guide for many tests that I give.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Teacher Web Thoughts

Creating a teacher web was easy and I found I had plenty of time to do it. The reason for having so much free time is because I am only taking one summer class at this time. The teacher web is great, but I don't see myself using the number of pages that I would have to update constantly when I am a teacher. I do think that the about me page would be a great tool as I always wondered who my teachers really were. It's also a great page because I would not have to update it. I also think the web resources page could be very helpful, but I feel with how knowlegable students are now with computers that they would easily find the online help they need.

The pages I found that I believe would be very benificial to students were the grading page and calendar. This way a student can find there grade and check when things are due from anywhere in the world. Students tend to lose papers, so this way they will always have access to what they need. I think if I was a teacher the grading page and calendar would be always accessable for my students.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Multiple Intelligences Inventory

As I discovered before from a similar inventory, I found out that I score very high with existensial and kinesthetic. To my surprise I found that according to the inventory, I am not a visual learner.

This could be useful to me as a teacher because I will understand what kind of learning styles I will most likely be teaching to my students. This is important because many teachers teach the styles that they are naturally best at. Because I am aware of what intelligences I struggle at I can make sure I try to use these intelligences when I am teaching.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

T & L 466

It's day two of T & L 466 and we have learned alot. Well, not really. I should have learned alot, and I think eventually the vast amount of information that we have gone over will stick in my head. This is also my first time in summer school ever in my life. This may be the problem for my lack of memory.